Monday, March 8, 2010

Living in Fear

Superstitions often rule people’s lives here in Ksv. I’d say that it is Satan’s tool to distract people from finding courage and assurance in the presence of a God who is stronger than any false notion. Their lives are ruled by it all. I heard recently of a young woman whose grandmother has dreams. She dreamt recently that god was displeased with her granddaughter. Upon hearing this, her granddaughter grew paranoid that god was unhappy with her and she was so nervous for her life. Often this happens where people think that if a black cat walks in front of them, they will be killed instantly, or that if they stand in a draft they will be paralyzed for life. These superstitions are deep-seeded and rule people’s lives. There is a huge spiritual battle here. Satan loves what’s happening here. This is a culture in bondage to these misleading superstitions. But we have a God who is more powerful than any of it. The granddaughter shared about her grandmother’s dream to another young woman who is a follower of Christ, and she shared the truth about how God is NOT pleased with her, BUT the fact that Christ intercedes for her and has taken the wrath of God upon Himself covering over her wrongdoings, and allowing her to live a life without fear of punishment. She listened intently, and I only pray that she would know that in her heart and would rather live a life without fear. And not only her, but for all who live here in fear of the spiritual forces in this world.

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