Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Update on Life: building a foundation

Ok so I feel like I am getting old when the people I hang out with are all born in the mid 90's, but in reality I am very much enjoying the opportunity to be a friend and mentor for some of the youth at CW. Building relationships with my church and investing in it again has been my heart these past few months. That and spending time with my family are what I have sensed to be my main purpose while I am home in MI. As much as I would love to catch a flight tomorrow back to Ksv, I have sensed a need to rebuild relationships and ground myself before I fly off on another adventure. The need for a base I think is very important when I am trying to build a bridge. I need support from my family of believers at home, so that I can build an effective ministry. I also need to ground myself in God and His Word so that I may be capable and confident to build the bridge, especially to know how to start. So please pray that I can do just that. Also pray that God provides a job for me. It would be nice to have some money.
I am working on my photography more. Check out some of my photos of you want...
Also if anyone is interested I am considering taking individual shots of people (senior pictures, etc). I need the practice.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In need of guidance

Ok, so it has officially been too long since I have updated my blog. I do apologize but time has slipped away. I am home now in MI and going through a lot of emotional lows. The first month or so being home felt great. I really enjoyed seeing people again and loved getting the chance to talk to a lot of my supporters and to pray with my roommate Mandy again. I've missed so many things, however, I have hit the wall now and have been feeling pretty low. Having lived in Kosovo for nearly a year I felt established and purposeful, knowing and having an identity among a people group like that and being established with a small family of believers. I felt comfortable there at last, but the transition back, which I though would be fairly easy, has been an emotional roller coaster. Re-entry back into America is the end of a foreign experience yet the beginning of feeling foreign. In some sense I feel so foreign here, and feel like I have lost part of my identity. I know I have not lost who I am in Christ(which is most important), but I still feel so stuck, not knowing where to go from here or who I should be or what road do I take now. My heart says many things, but I still keep feeling discouraged. I will be spending a week at a friend's in Kalamazoo, hoping that I will find some clarity when talking with her and listening to God away from the noise of Port Huron. Please pray for me if you think of it. I need some guidance.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Living in Freedom by Kay Arthur

I am doing a Bible Study with the msry ladies here and I've enjoyed going through one of Kay Arthur's Bible studies in Philippians and Colossians. Today we were talking about Colossians 2:16-23 where Paul is clarifying how rules and regulations are not the point but the pointers to a substantive reality. Often times the rules however keep us in bondage, if we become too focused on them. Why do we so often feel like we need to work to get into heaven. How come we can't see that Jesus is enough. Here is what she said at the end of the study we did today:
"If we believe a lie, we submit ourselves to the decrees of legalistic religion that seeks to control us through a list of rules and regulations. I know this is not how you want to live. No one wants to live in bondage when they can live in freedom.
While all lies will place us in bondage, Paul has a specific lie in mind. The lie that Jesus Christ is not enough. The lie says that we need Jesus plus rules or works or... But the truth is that in Him we are complete. There is nothing to add. We have been given the righteousness of Christ, and it is enough. rest in that freedom. Relax in Him.
All religions other than Christianity are focused on man striving to find, or even to be, God--Christianity alone is God finding man. All other religions are man trying to build a road to the top of the mountain to find God. There is a road, only one, but it did not start at the bottom. It started at the top, when Christ came down to earth. All other religions teach that man can work to be better. Christianity makes man new so he is better. We have seen the truth of who Christ is; now we are seeing who we are in Christ. He is everything we need. "

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A day of peace

I am house sitting for a Mssnry family for about 4 days and they have a beautiful southern State style house and have about 4 cats that need to be taken care of.
The weather is beautiful today. A perfect day to give to God, a day of peacefulness. I ran with Lacey this morning through the park. I always enjoy spending time with her, she is dear to my heart. She and I often run together. Usually it is up in Rugova (the the valley between the mountains) but today we decided to do a shorter run. We have had our share of bounding experiences while running. We have been chased by dogs occasionally have to throw rocks to keep them away, and other times the dog is nice and just wants to run with us. One thing that bothers me a lot when we run is when everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, stares at us. They stare as if we look like we have 3 eyes, or 4 legs. I'm getting used to it now, but sometimes I just hate it and so I stare right back at them and give them funny faces, sometimes that helps but sometimes it makes it worse. Most often I just pretend they are not there. It's mostly men who do it. I often wonder what goes their minds when they look at us jogging through town. Perhaps I don't want to know.
So I am spending most of my day organizing my thoughts, praying about the future, reflecting on the past months here in Ksv. I have a little over a month left here and time has come for me to process returning to the States. I look forward to it in many ways, but in some ways it will be hard.
Pray for me today and this week as I process many thoughts.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pray for my Aunt

Please pray for my Aunt Ruthann. Doctors discovered that she has a serious heart problem that could have been fatal and have recently performed a rather serious surgery and as I have been told it was successful, however prayer is still needed because she is very weak and still in the hospital with other related complications. I love my family so please pray for them, especially since you are my family and theirs.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Financial Update

Still in need of $600 for the month of April and $260 for my debriefing when I return to the states in May. Pray about helping me with expenses.

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Women's Day

International Women's Day is a day to celebrate women. I am really surprised that they even celebrate it here, but I am glad that they do because it made for a good reason to get the women of the Konvikt together to talk with them about how they are special and valued in the eyes of God (not just on one day of the year, but everyday). O.M. and few others got together at the Ministry Center. We fed them a good meal, enjoyed watching them dance traditional dances, and did manicures for them. We also heard a brief testimony about God's love which brought a few of them to tears. It was such a blessing for them. These women live in a nearly appalling situation. I have mentioned them previously in my newsletter. How wonderful it was to start building more relationships with these women and with the others.

Living in Fear

Superstitions often rule people’s lives here in Ksv. I’d say that it is Satan’s tool to distract people from finding courage and assurance in the presence of a God who is stronger than any false notion. Their lives are ruled by it all. I heard recently of a young woman whose grandmother has dreams. She dreamt recently that god was displeased with her granddaughter. Upon hearing this, her granddaughter grew paranoid that god was unhappy with her and she was so nervous for her life. Often this happens where people think that if a black cat walks in front of them, they will be killed instantly, or that if they stand in a draft they will be paralyzed for life. These superstitions are deep-seeded and rule people’s lives. There is a huge spiritual battle here. Satan loves what’s happening here. This is a culture in bondage to these misleading superstitions. But we have a God who is more powerful than any of it. The granddaughter shared about her grandmother’s dream to another young woman who is a follower of Christ, and she shared the truth about how God is NOT pleased with her, BUT the fact that Christ intercedes for her and has taken the wrath of God upon Himself covering over her wrongdoings, and allowing her to live a life without fear of punishment. She listened intently, and I only pray that she would know that in her heart and would rather live a life without fear. And not only her, but for all who live here in fear of the spiritual forces in this world.